Research Review Committee

The Research Review Committee will be made up of various people including doctors and allied health professionals involved in the care of patients with kidney disease, scientists and lay members.

The terms of reference
To determine whether the proposed research study is:

1 - Scientifically robust and original in its design
2 - Realistically costed
3 - Deliverable in the proposed time frame
4 - In line with the objectives of the Kidney Fund

Current members:

  • Professor Hugh Gallagher - Consultant Nephrologist, St. Helier Hospital
  • Dr Bhrigu Sood - Consultant Nephrologist, St. Helier Hospital
  • Dr Nicholas Cole - Consultant Nephrologist, St. Helier Hospital
  • Non-renal Consultant (TBC)
  • Dr Richard Hull - Consultant Nephrologist, St. George’s Hospital
  • Dr Mona Wahba - Consultant Nephrologist, St. Helier Hospital

Lay members:

  • Tom Gibson
  • Louise Palomino (Trustee of the Kidney Fund)

The tenure will be for 3 years, renewable for a further 3 years. Quorum will be at least 4 members of the committee, of which at least one must be a lay member.

The Research Review Committee will assess research proposals and make a recommendation whether to approve or deny funding, to the Trustees of the Kidney Fund.

For grants exceeding £30,000, external reviewers will be co-opted to the Committee. The external reviewers will vary depending on the expertise required for scrutiny of the particular research grant and the external reviewer/s will be chosen by the members of the Research Review Committee.

The chair of the Committee will liaise as required, with the Trustees of the Kidney Fund.

Upon appointment, each member of the Research Review Committee will make a declaration of interests, such as relationships, and posts held, that could potentially result in a conflict of interest in relation to research proposals under review.

This declaration will be kept on file in accordance with GDPR and will be updated annually.